
The Seneschal acts as the president of the group. They are the point of contact for administration and legal matters, and act as a liaison between the Canton and the Barony of Settmour Swamp.
The Seneschal acts as the president of the group. They are the point of contact for administration and legal matters, and act as a liaison between the Canton and the Barony of Settmour Swamp.
The exchequer is the group treasurer, and is charged with keeping the group’s finances in order, as well as presenting financial reports to the overarching Kingdom of the East.
The Minister of Arts and Sciences (or MoAS) is responsible for promoting and nurturing the research, study, and practice of period-style arts and sciences. The arts and sciences include creating items (calligraphy, needlepoint, soap-making, leatherworking, armorcrafting, etc) as well as performance art (singing, dancing, theater, etc).